On Sunday, Jun 23, the Uni was part of another DOT Weekend Walk, this time on Pitkin Avenue in Brownsville, Brooklyn, at an event called Summer Plazas organized by the Pitkin Avenue Business Improvement District. This was a classic neighborhood block party, complete with BBQ and an open sprinkler. Thanks to Toni Diaz and Dan Murphy for inviting us. Thanks to Uni volunteers William Brockett, Eleanor Davol, and Malcolm Davol, and Uni installer Peter Zweifel.

Bike lanes are nice. The Uni creates book lanes.

Uni Volunteer Will Brockett gets the puzzles going.

A Brownsville neighbor came by and donated this outstanding collection of books to the Uni.

Backstage at the street festival, for the volunteers, there was good food and good humor.

This future librarian said: “You are little, so this is a little book for you!”

The Uni carries an average of 10 books on reptiles. This read every one.

A retired firefighter with FDNY Fire Safety Education came by, chatted with Leslie, and admired this book from the Uni. We resolved to create a cube in the Uni about the Fire Department in NYC history.

“I read this book,” said this reader. Pride. This is the way the Uni works.

Uni Installer Peter Zweifel takes on some helpers and talks titles.

I have calculated that the extra labor provided by local volunteers is exactly offset by delays while they read books instead of pack them up. Perfect.

Eleanor and Malcolm Davol pulled a full Uni shift in Brownsville. Thanks.

Uni Installer Peter Zweifel and three helpers take us out. Thank you Brownsville. Great day. Keep reading.
Here’s a time lapse video of the Uni being installed in Brownsville.