This summer, we tried something new: we left a Uni in someone else’s hands.
For nearly two months, our new Uni Cart has been a regular presence at a weekly Farmers’ Market and Play Street run by East New York Farms/United Community Centers. East NY was one of our first locations in 2012, and this year the Uni installation was deployed and staffed by the capable folks at East NY Farms. Funded in part by The Laura B. Vogler Foundation, this experiment has allowed us to explore the future of the Uni Project, which may include more collaborations like this. On July 20, we dropped in to provide some extra library staffing and conduct evaluation. And, of course, we read some books. Thank you East NY and our partner Transportation Alternatives!

Thanks Janelle Nicol of ENY Farms for this photo of me reading to a new friend.

The plural “childrens” is not a typo in his sign but an adaptation of another sign reading “childrens reading room.” That sign was, however, missing an apostrophe. Street grammar, keep learning. Thanks East NY, see you soon.
(Note: this post was published on August 22, 2013 and backdated to July 21, 2013.)