On June 15, the Uni returned to Pitkin Avenue in Brownsville Brooklyn for the first of three planned deployments in 2014. This event was made possible in part by funds granted by the Charles H. Revson Foundation through the Neighborhood Plaza Partnership.

Rice and beans from the community BBQ.

Alyssa Pintar, graduate student conducting surveys for us, with a young Uni patron

This patron wrote in chalk: “Leslie and Alyssa are the best!” Being a Uni Librarian is the best.

Dan Murphy, Director of Pitkin Ave BID with NYFD Captain who brought over a fire truck that kids could explore.

I have to admit, I’ve never been sure about the princess thing. However, read on below…

These girls are posing with books they chose to read and write up in a mini book review. When I read their reviews, I understood. They see courage in the princess. I get it!

Math puzzles on the street. Together.

Deciding what to read.

Well chosen. Thank you Brownsville. See you soon!