Dear Friends of the Uni,
We’re writing to tell you how things stand with the Uni Project as we celebrate our first five years, and to ask for your support. Please consider making a year-end donation to help us bring learning opportunities to NYC public space in 2017. (Small donations welcomed, too!)
What we’ve done: This past year, we’ve offered more open-air reading rooms and learning environments on the streets of NYC, reached more neighborhoods, employed more staff, and made more kits for other cities, than ever before. We’re bringing a new kind of programming to public space that strengthens urban communities, and we’re building an organization that can do this work for many years to come.
Where we’re going: Here in NYC, we want to expand our presence and answer every community request that comes in. We also want to create and expand original programs (READ, DRAW, SOLVE, BUILD) that bring people together around learning. What else could we be offering in parks, plazas, and other public spaces to improve life in the city? We look forward to sharing some of our new ideas in the months ahead, including an initiative to make our operation 100% climate neutral in 2017.
Now more than ever, we need solutions that bring people together and make our public spaces safe, welcoming, and inspiring. When you walk down the street in New York City, you should feel hopeful about this place. We’re committed to putting something out there every day that keeps that feeling alive.
Donate here. Thank you for your support. See you on the street.
Leslie and Sam Davol[hr]

134 neighborhood locations now on the Uni Project circuit.

85% of our deployments are in low and moderate income NYC neighborhoods.

9 seasonal staff and a growing corp of volunteers.

Strategic partnerships with NYC DOT, NYC Parks, and initiatives focused on community safety and educational achievement gaps.

28 reading room kits built for other cities around the world, to date.

New and expanded programs for public space coming in 2017.

Your donation helps us reach neighborhoods on our wait list.

Make a place for learning in the city. Thank you for supporting the Uni.