Pop-up building station
BUILD is an installation of interactive building stations with playful materials and challenges that expose people of all ages to diverse works of architecture, design, engineering and construction. Elements include:
- custom-designed, pop-up infrastructure for building together;
- Lego, Imagination Playground blocks, MagnaTiles, and more;
- self-guided activities contributed by architects, engineers, educators;
- books on architecture and engineering;
- staff and volunteers to facilitate.
BUILD is traveling across New York City with a special focus on underserved neighborhoods where art and education resources can be scarce. Your donation can help us share these great materials in all neighborhoods of New York City.

BUILD Supporters:

BUILD is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
The Laura B. Vogler
Start-up funding for program development generously provided by The Laura B. Vogler Foundation.
BUILD In-Kind Supporters:

Blog posts about BUILD:
Making a place for learning at NYCHA public housing
Many NYC kids who live in low-income neighborhoods report that there is little to do over the summer, especially when camps and cultural institutions are out of reach. To help fix that, for six weeks this summer, we created a safe place to hang out and learn next to...
Volunteers from Blackstone give kids a chance to BUILD and EXPLORE in Chinatown
Children and families were treated to a chance to explore urban nature and build with Lego and MagnaTile in Sara D. Roosevelt Park in Chinatown today, thanks to the Blackstone Charitable Foundation and Blackstone employees who volunteered and work one-on-one with...
Building together at a Brooklyn indoor block party
New York could use some more places for families to gather in the winter. Thanks to Brooklyn Bridge Parents for stepping in and creating an indoor Block Party at Citypoint this weekend! We brought our BUILD program inside for the day, and we're looking forward to...