Street Lab at Evelyn Place
Fordham Heights, Bronx
2023 – Present
Evelyn Place joined the Open Streets program for the first time this summer and has quickly become a neighborhood destination for community connection and play. Street Lab supported this location five times during the fall of 2023 with our BUILD program, One Big Table, and other programs for all ages. We look forward to supporting the Open Street when it returns in 2024!
Our Community Partner
Led by Darney “K-Born” Rivers, I am My Community is a nonprofit that serves the greater Bronx by providing community aide and assistance, including resources for mental health, teen programming, juvenile delinquency prevention, and more.

“I initiated the Open Streets initiative on Evelyn Place due to the high levels of violence within the community… I firmly believe that every individual in New York deserves an opportunity for a better life. Through collaboration with various organizations, we have been able to make a significant impact. The outcomes have been truly remarkable, as people who were once at odds with each other have come together as a united team to improve the community.”
Darney “K-Born” Rivers
I Am My Community