The Uni returns to the Lower East Side once again! This time, we’ll visit IDEAS CITY 2013 to show folks how the Uni works. Come meet us Sat 5/4, 11am-6pm on Stanton St at Bowery (map).
We’ll show off the Uni infrastructure, including a new bench design. On site, we’ll also be putting together three new cubes:
- Check out a citizen-science cube for identifying ant species (with microscope!), created by Andrew Collins. Andrew is a science communicator and educator who has taught science in NYC schools and is currently pursuing for a degree at Columbia University.
- Explore a cube about geologic time scale, plotting some (extremely) old events on a rope timeline, created by Winifred Kehl, a science writer and museum exhibit developer who specializes in informal (outside the classroom) science education.
- NYC artist Lisa Bateman has curated a cube reprising a work of hers currently on display at EIDIA House in Brooklyn called The Book Cart, gathering some of the oldest books in circulation in the New York Area for your perusal. Also included is a limited edition print, called “what I remember most is this,” an inkless letterpress text of a remembered short story in a book which Lisa has lost—the narrative distorted and manipulated as a tool for invention through forgetting.
Stop by and introduce yourself to the Uni. See you on the street!