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In July and August 2014, we deployed the Uni reading room to a new play street run by Caldwell Programs on Jennings Street near Prospect Ave in the Morrisania neighborhood of the Bronx. Learn more about our ongoing effort at play streets. Our participation was made possible by a generous grant from Shippy Foundation and additional support from Target. Thanks to Uni Librarian and site manager Rasheed Lucas and play street founder Lonnie Hardy! Photos are from July 29, 30, 31, and August 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 14, 15.
He’s got one of our favorites in hand: ” Boeing Aircraft Cutaways.” Engineering diagrams of big planes.
Lining up before we open. One boy asked, “Are you bringing out the library today?” When told yes, he yelled “Booyah! Library!
Banned books on the center shelf are from Uprise Book Project. Teens like to read what adults have tried to ban.
Morning staff meeting: Rasheed Lucas and Leslie map out the day.
Rasheed is a graduate student in environmental science—great with kids and also science facts.
Our mini book reviews are a hit. First you read; then take a photo…
Then you post your review on the side of our cart for all to see (and take a copy of the photo home). Pride.
Continue to page 2 of photos from Jennings St, 2014.