The Uni portable reading room is in the midst of a summer residency in spectacular Brooklyn Bridge Park, and this Sunday we introduced our new DRAW cart to the park. Funded by a grant from Burning Man, with supplies generously provided by Blick Art Materials, our new DRAW NYC program lets people of all ages draw together in public, wherever we go.
Thanks to our 2015 artists in residence for joining us in the park. Thanks to Blick Art Materials for outfitting our program with high quality materials for all new Yorkers to share. And thanks to the Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy for a great partnership. Here are some photos from Sunday:

New Uni volunteer Greig Roselli dives right in and reads to patrons. Thanks!

I love this drawing by a middle school boy from Brooklyn. It’s a map of his neighborhood in the shape of an elephant.

In the park, we were joined by both of our 2015 artists in residence: Genevieve Irwin and Susan Coyne.

Leslie has these two artists in residence appearing across the city with our DRAW cart all summer.

This reader is browsing a recent addition to the collection called Improbable Libraries. The Uni appears in the book.

Brooklyn Bridge Park staff are terrific, and we work closely together every weekend. Some take their breaks in the Uni.

A vist from our friend Emilia Andrade from Quito, Ecuador. Emilia is founder of Picnic de Palabras Ecuador, a literacy effort now in several spanish-speaking countries. And she donated beautiful books to the Uni!

These experienced locals helped us fold up the Uni at the end of the day.

Josh Goldfein and family have been supporters of the Uni from day one. Thanks for dropping by!

Our residency at Brooklyn Bridge Park continues through August 9. DRAW will move through the city, returning to Brooklyn as often as possible. Stay tuned and thanks everyone