On Thursday, Oct 20 the Uni joined a city-wide celebration of Food Day called the “Big Apple Crunch” at La Marqueta on East 116th St. Thanks to our host and partner New Harlem East Merchants’ Association, with a special shout out to NHEMA’s Carey King. Over 120 school children participated and NYC City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito dropped in too. Thanks also to volunteer Amy Wilensky for helping manage the crowds!

Along with the reading room, we brought a sampling of our other programs, DRAW and SOLVE.

NYC City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and Carey King of NHEMA.

Thanks to the Speaker for taking the time to drop by the Uni!

A large group of families from the Baby College at Harlem Children’s Zone joined us!

We’re looking into ways to extend our visits to East Harlem through the winter, stay tuned!