New York could use some more places for families to gather in the winter. Thanks to Brooklyn Bridge Parents for stepping in and creating an indoor Block Party at Citypoint this weekend! We brought our BUILD program inside for the day, and we’re looking forward to seeing you all on the street when our outdoor season begins. Build. Together. Brooklyn.
Look back at more deployments of BUILD across the city:
BUILD returns to Chelsea Market, outdoors!
BUILD brings interactive building stations with playful materials and challenges to the street. And now, New Yorkers of all ages can gather and build together, in all weather, at the heated, curbside dining areas along West 16th St. All while keeping safely apart....
New community partnership with Chelsea Market
Since 2019, Street Lab has activated public areas of Chelsea Market with programs that bring the neighborhood together and connect people from all walks of life. Check out a new page that describes what we're creating at the market in 2021.
BUILD NYC comes inside for the winter—join us at Chelsea Market
BUILD NYC lets New Yorkers build together on the street, and now we're bringing it inside to Chelsea Market for winter. Join us every Sunday through 1/5 from 11am-2pm. (Closed 12/22.) All ages and always free. Build. Together. NYC. Thanks to our host Chelsea...