Pop-up cooling station

A rendering showing people sitting around blue river fixture and plant carts on the street.

Street Lab is rolling out our newest program for the streets, OASIS, which is a pop-up, un-plugged, open-air, cooling station. New Yorkers are often forced to retreat to private, indoor, air-conditioned spaces during high heat, which can be isolating and also energy-intensive. OASIS offers an alternative: a communal, outdoor gathering space that relies on shade, water, and plants to cool people, right in the heart of neighborhoods. Physical prototypes of kit elements are in fabrication, and street tests with select community partners are underway.

A rendering showing people sitting around blue river fixture and plant carts on the street.
A rendering of a river-shaped fixture on the ground, chairs, and umbrellas.
People gathered around a blue river cooling station on the street.
A gray rendering of a cart.
A wooden fixture placed on a cart with wheels.
A wooden cart full of plants standing on the street.

Testing portable landscape in

Sunset Park, Apr 20, 2024


People looking at a wooden cart full of plants on the street.
People looking at a wooden cart full of plants on the street.
A woman dragging a wooden cart with plants on the street.
A woman and a little boy looking at a cart full of plants on the street.

Testing OASIS elements in

Washington Heights, Aug 9, 2023