Thanks to our terrific staff Elizabeth Reyes and Derrick Haynes for working these Bronx deployments. Derrick also teaches high school students at a summer program at Columbia University, and between shooting around and building with Magna-Tiles, Derrick reached out to youth at the play street about how they could attend Columbia in the summer.
Our work here was made possible in part with funding from the Building Healthy Communities/Mayor’s Action Plan for Neighborhood Safety through the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice. Learn more about how you can support BUILD NYC here.

Highlights from BUILD NYC at PAL play streets:
You can download these images here.
More deployments at NYC play streets:
Quarterly email sent! Catch up on our work, fall 2020.
We just clicked send on our quarterly email update, and you can read a copy below. If hearing from us four times a year by email sounds good to you, then sign up anytime! We also share more frequent updates on social media.
Activating an Open Street in East Harlem
Today Street Lab went to East Harlem to join our friends at Uptown Grand Central to: activate an Open Street, provide a place for community, and encourage passersby to support local restaurants. We brought PLAY NYC, our program for safe, hands-free play on streets,...
Have fun, stay safe—new signage for PLAY NYC
Here's a preview of new signage for PLAY NYC, which hits the streets tomorrow, starting a four week run across New York City. Designed for Street Lab by Alex Ching, these signs will help our staff and our community partners guide kids and families to stay safe, while...