Dear Friends of the Uni,
We’re writing with news of the Uni Project and to ask for your support.
In 2018, we blew past a milestone—600 deployments in public space—and our work continues to expand beyond portable reading rooms. Through it all, we try to stay focused on the core task: creating experiences in public that allow people to gather, connect, and find inspiration. As we experiment with new ways to do this, the underlying motivation remains the same. We believe in the potential of the public realm. We envision a city where people can point with pride to public resources, drawing strength from the things we share with each other.
We hope you’ll consider a tax-deductible year-end contribution, which will directly support our work in low-income communities. See more below about our 2018 achievements and plans for 2019, which include an initiative to reach immigrant neighborhoods with opportunities for learning and ways to connect to the city. We couldn’t do this without you, and we’re grateful for your support.
Leslie and Sam
Co-founders, Uni Project
December 5, 2018
In 2018…

We launched a new program called BUILD NYC.

We went to NYC public pools for the first time.

We reached families and kids in NYCHA public housing.

We put pop-up reading rooms, drawing studios, and science exhibits at half of all community street festivals in the city (Weekend Walks).

We provided weekly programming in NYC Chinatown

On the street, we shared: books from our Coretta Scott King Book Award Book Grant…

…drawing prompts from the Drawing Center…

…bird study skins prepared at the Natural History Museum, and of course…

In 2019…

Your support will help us provide programming at five, high-need plazas in the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens, and…

launch a new initiative to serve immigrant neighborhoods, and…

develop a new program called WRITE and another…

…called PLAY, designed for NYC Play Streets.
Your donation sends a message that all NYC public spaces and New Yorkers have extraordinary potential.
Thank you for your support!